Jack Russell chose and bred his terriers to hunt. He was an avid fox hunter and the terriers he kept were of the build
and size to enter fox holes. These terriers are a working strain of terrier and this page will show you and tell you a little
of what that's all about.
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When I was first introduced to the idea of hunting with terriers,
I was very confused. I grew up in a hunting family. I've hunted big game and birds and, to me, hunting was going out with
a gun and bringing home something for dinner. Hunting with terriers is different. Those that hunt their terriers do so for
the love of the hunt, to preserve the hunting instincts in their dogs, and sometimes at the request of landowners for
pest control. Every year, tractors are lost to holes in fields caused by quarry that our terriers are bred to seek out.
Hunting with terriers is done in the barest sense of the word.
You go out and search for quarry. Only if the quarry is sick or injured, or if the landowner wants you there for pest control
is the animal quickly and humanely dispatched. Otherwise, the animal is set free so that it can be found again. Terriers are
bred to be of the size and shape that allows them to enter holes in the earth dug by fox, groundhog, badger, coon, and possum.
When a terrier has caught sent of quarry, it will enter the hole and hunt for that quarry. Upon locating it, the terrier should
begin to bark and make noise. Once the dog has stopped moving about below the earth, time comes to locate the dog and dig
to it. Locator collars are placed on the terrier before it is released from it's leash. Locators give an indication of how
deep the dig will be and where the dog is actually located. Jack Russell Terriers are intended to stay with the quarry and
bark until either they are dug to or cause the quarry to bolt. When you punch through the tunnel, you should find your dog
there as well as the quarry.